Forest River FR3 Photo Gallery, Photos of FR3

IMG 2342IMG 2333FR3 30DS swivel chairs bunk version 2FR3 30DS sofa foot rest version 2FR3 30DS ext product w lights on version 3FR3 30DS ext product w lights on version 2 SILOFR3 28DS ext rear product SILOFR3 28DS ext product lights awing entertainment SILO

*Updated 6/7/16 - All weights, measurements, sizes, dimensions, features, options, etc. generated from manufacturer's website at time of update and not specific to any particular year model. This information is deemed reliable, but NOT guaranteed by the manufacturer or Motor Home Specialist due to continual product revisions and occasional OEM changes in the product, as well as any potential for human error when generating or posting these features, specifications or any other details. Please feel free to contact a Motor Home Specialist representative or the RV manufacturer for up to the minute product details before purchase. Thank you for shopping with us at - We all look forward to hearing from you soon. 800-335-6054.