Discount Qualifications

RV Policy discounts are typically available to drivers and vehicles alike, and are provided based on a number of factors. Completing a defensive driving course, having memberships to various RV associations across the country, and having an anti-theft system (auto alarm) in your motor home are all things that could result in a discounted premium. Given that insurance agencies love to insure people and vehicles that theoretically will cost them the least amount of money, any actions taken by the RV driver to exhibit their knowledge of safe driving or show their efforts to enhance their vehicle in terms of loss prevention are positive in the eyes of the auto insurance industry. These are not the only ways however to qualify for discounts however. Most major insurance agencies provide the following discount opportunities:

Safety Feature Selection
By choosing optional safety features on a new car, or adding them to a used car, insurance companies will provide you with a discount. Anti-lock brakes, automatic seatbelts, side air bags, and many more result in great rates.

A good student discount (no matter what your age) is available to full-time students that maintain a B average in school. Some companies will give you benefits for continuing education as well.

Children in College
If you have children who attend a college that requires a bit of a drive to get from, some insurance agencies offer discounts in such circumstances as they realize that trips from school to home are inevitable.

Minimal Driving
If you have the opportunity to carpool, take public transportation, or ride your bicycle to work, you may qualify for discounts since you do not drive very often. Some companies perform a yearly odometer check, and if you accumulate below a set number of miles, then you could qualify for a discount.

Housing and Garages
Since the location where you live effects your premium, keeping your car protected from both the weather, and crime can provide a chance to save money. Rural dwellers typically have the lowest premium due primarily to minimal crime, so if you live in the city and have no vehicular shelter, try to rent garage space or make clear to your provider that your vehicle is garage kept.

Retirement Discounts
Retired citizens qualify for their own set of insurance discounts with most insurance providers. So if you've entered the age of retirement, call your provider and see what discounts you now might be eligible for.

Drive Carefully
Be sure to research your policy every year as technology and trends change consistently. However, the best discount is to be a cautious and careful driver. An unsoiled driving record is one of the greatest ways to lower your premium. Safety doesn't just save money. It saves lives!

All coverage information and explanations outlined are general and are not representative of all conditions and exclusions. All insurance coverage is dependent on the terms & conditions of the issued policies.